If you would like to volunteer with the Maidu Summit Consortium, please email Project Manager Shannon Williams.
If you would like to volunteer with the Maidu Summit Consortium, please email Project Manager Shannon Williams.
Maidu Summit Consortium would like to invite campers back to beautiful Tásmam Koyóm (Humbug Valley) and Yellow Creek Campground for the 2021 camping season. The opening day for the campground is May 28, 2021, till November 1, 2021.
Opening and closing dates are subject to change based on future conditions and public health guidance. We will continue to evaluate and adapt to changing COVID-19 guidance and adjust operations as needed.
Some Important Reminders while enjoying the campground:
Camping with campfires is a traditional way of enjoying the outdoors. However, imported firewood can introduce insects that kill trees. To prevent the spread of these destructive pests, MSC recommends buying firewood that is cut locally, preferably within the same county where it will be burned.
MSC expects members of the public to wear face coverings and maintain social distancing from persons not within their own family unit, in accordance with the federal government and guidance provided by the CDC.
For more information, please contact:
Shannon Williams
Maidu Summit Consortium
Yellow Creek Project Manager
MSC’s membership program Friends of Humbug has been renamed Friends of MSC. This will better showcase our expanding landholdings. Included in your membership: a semi-annual newsletter and an invitation to our events.
Thank you for membership and generous support.
History was made on 3/9/21 at the MSC. Our 4th land transfer from PG&E was signed and finalized for the Lake Almanor Maidu Wetlands Property (296 acres). Signing on behalf of the MSC was Chairman Ben Cunningham, Secretary Marvena Harris, and Interim Executive Director Trina Cunningham. Thank you to everyone involved in this accomplishment, without your support none of this would be possible.
The Maidu Summit Consortium welcomes our new Interim Executive Director, Ms. Trina Cunningham. Trina is a local Maidu and has extensive experience in this position. She serves as the tribal representative on the Upper Feather River IRWM board, offers years of experience as a resident within our local tribal land, the Feather River Watershed, and a fire ecology consultant. Trina will be an asset to the MSC. Her knowledge and experience to lead us to the next stage in this organization.
The Maidu Summit is sad to announce the departure of our Interim Coordinator Ms. Alisha Wilson. Thank you, Alisha! For the work you have done for the MSC, and in the Maidu Community. We appreciate your years of service to this organization, as an employee and board member. Alisha has been employed from 2018 to the present. We wish her the best of luck in all her future endeavors.
We wish to thank our supporters and the community for making our first season memorable. Your support this camping season has been amazing, considering the circumstances with COVID, and now the fire season. We are greatful to all who have chosen to spend their sumer at Yellow Creek. We look forward to seeing everyone next year.
Due to unprecedented fire conditions throughout California the Maidu Summit Consortium Board of Directors unanimously voted to restrict campfire use at Yellow Creek Campground, effective September 8, 2020.
(Propane campstoves are allowed)
MSC urges the public to use the utmost caution in the campground and surrounding areas.
We are proud to announce after a long winter, an equally long spring and a small part of this summer Yellow Creek Campground will be opening on Friday July 31st, 2020.
During the reopening process some challenges have come our way. Not only from the new local and state rules due to COVID-19, but the campground has been facing some challenges regarding water system repairs. Which resulted in MSC’s slow process of reopening the campground.
While waiting to open, we have taken the time to ensure the safety of our campers, volunteers, and staff during the currant pandemic. Signage has been placed on the grounds to be mindful of social distancing. A thorough cleaning and sanitizing of the campground and restrooms will be happening this weekend before our Friday opening.
We thank you for your patience during these confusing times. MSC cannot wait to share Yellow Creek Campground and surrounding resources with the community.
Due to the current Covid-19 and shelter-in-place precautions, we are making the difficult decision to cancel this year’s planned July 25th event date for the Friends of Humbug Gathering. If at such a time that we are able to reschedule the event for a later date in late Summer or early Fall, we will update this page accordingly.
Yellow-Creek Campground is currently closed and we are closely monitoring the Covid-19 situation so that we may re-open as soon as possible for the 2020 recreation year. We will continue to update this page as we work through these current challenges.
The Maidu Summit Office is currently closed to the public. If you need assistance, please call Alisha Wilson, Maidu Summit Coordinator, at (530) 616-9127 or email at alisha@maidusummit.org.
Thank you for your understanding.
Mailing Address:
If you would like to make a donation,
make checks payable to:
PO BOX 682
Chester, CA 96020